Narrations Print Project
Organizer: Brian Kelly, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
An invitational portfolio including two selected printmaker/artists from each state divided into East and West.
Collections confirmed:
—Special Collections Department & Rare Books Room, the University of Colorado (both portfolios)
—The Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (both portfolios)
—Nicholls State University - (both portfolios)
—University of North Dakota (West portfolio only)
—University of Central Florida (East portfolio only)
—University of North Carolina at Pembroke (East portfolio only)
WEST PORTFOLIO STATES: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming
Artists Included: Nate Abel, James Bailey, Aaron C. Bass, Edward Bateman, Steve Brown, Jeff Burden, Caterine Chauvin, Charles Cohan, Gary Day, Doug Devinny, Mary Farrell, Kim Fink, Yuji Hiratsuka, Latoya Hobbs, Ross Jahnke, Gesine Janzen, Daune Johnston, Edwin Kalke, Kent Kapplinger, April Katz, Gerry Kauliz, Brain Kelly, Kert Kemp, Matthew Kluber, Eukang Koh, Lynwood Kreneck, Shaurya Kumar, Katherine Liontas-Warren, Janet Marcavage, Michelle Martin, Kathryn Maxwell, Laura Melancon, Hugh Merrill, John Newman, Dennis Olsen, Tracy Otten, Andy Polk, Kathy Polk, Kathy Puzey, Mark Ritchie, Larry Schuh, Jason Scuilla, Todd Sherman, Craig Subler, Tracy Templeton, John Thein, Doug Williams, Brad Windness, Melanie Yazzie
EAST PORTFOLIO STATES: Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia
Artists Included: Mike Aakhus, Patricia Bellan-Gillen, Charles Beneke, Andrew Blanchard, Jim Bryant, Stephen Burt, Derra Cornell, Ken Daley, Dean Dass, Joseph Duva, Barbara Duval, Matthew Egan, Bill Fisher, Ke Francis, Sean Gallagher, Melissa Harshman, Dellas Hence, Erin Holscher, Keith Howard, David Johnston, Jane Kent, Andrew Kosten, Deborah Maris Lader, Joseph Lupo, Treelee Macann, Sarah Marshall, Peter Massing, Tonia Matthews, Martian Mazorra, David Menard, Robert Mueller, Sandra Murchison, Christie Nuell, Barbara Pagh, Rhoda Rosemburg, Marc St. Pierre, Brandon Sanderson, Carrie Scanga, Scott Schnepf, Brant Schuller, Lynda Seckinger, Brain Shure, Ralph Slatton, Laurie Sloan, Scott Stephens, Matthew Sugarman, John Whitesell, Murray Zimiles.