Portfolio > Print Guild Print-Shop

PrintStars @ STARLIGHT
PrintStars @ STARLIGHT

A collection of hand pulled prints. Most of the prints have been created during collaborative workshops whereby nationally recognized artists come to the studio with an image in mind and the Printmaking Guild serves as publishers to create an edition of hand pulled prints using various methods and techniques.

The editions are split with artists and the Printmaking guild. The master printers for the edition (students who have played a significant role) receive a print each, one lives in the Print Archive, the rest are available for purchase to raise money for Printmaking Guild activities.

There are a few exceptions in this show; Catherine Walker-Bailey has donated a print to raise money for the Printmaking Guild; the "Dancers" print proceeds will go towards the Kenyan Dance fund (please refer to that page) and the "Flying Bat-Man" print proceeds will be split to raise funds for printmaking in Puerto Rico.

The first activity on the Printmaking guild's agenda is to attend the SGC-I conference in Puerto Rico this April, 2025. Your print purchase will be directed towards several plane tickets and hotel rooms in PR for students who may not otherwise be able to attend this professional printmaking conference.

For additional information, please contact the Print Guild Faculty Advisor, Heather Muise at muiseh@ecu.edu or 252-412-6646. Thank you for your consideration.